Female Placeholder Image

Alyssa Grant

Title: District Manager, Gulf Coast FL

Joined EWC: May 2014

Joined EWC Growth: November 2020

Prior Roles: Wax Specialist, Center Manager, Regional Coach

What is your favorite book, movie, or tv show?
I love documentaries and movies! Everything funny… Step Brothers is one of my favorites.

What do you like to do in your spare time?
I love to spend time with my family; husband and children. They are my favorite people.

What are three things people might be surprised to know about you?
1. I’ve never seen snow.
2. I am funny. I don’t always let it shine in my professional life 🙂
3. I eat cereal as a late night snack. Too tempting not to do it.

What is your favorite comfort food?
Greek salad!
Oh, and chocolate covered coffee beans!

What do you love most about your job?
The best thing about my job is inspiring others to see their fullest potential. There is no better feeling than helping to shift someone’s mindset towards confidence and a greater outcome.