Stephanie Xhaferi

Stephanie Xhaferi

Title: Vice President, Operations

Joined EWC: December 2014

Joined EWC Growth: August 2019

Prior Roles: Center Manager, District Manager

What is your favorite book, movie, or tv show?
My favorite tv show is The Amazing Race. It’s the perfect combination of 2 things I love – traveling and some good ol’ competition!

What do you like to do in your spare time?
I love to shop and will always “spend an extra” to save on free shipping.

What are three things people might be surprised to know about you?
1. I get nervous when I speak in front of large groups.
2. I have a thing for choreography. I was on the cheerleading squad and step team in High School.
3. I learned how to decorate cakes by watching YouTube.

What is your favorite comfort food?

What do you love most about your job?
Being a part of an innovative team where everyone contributes something different. Our concepts come together to build the foundation that executes EWCG’s vision.